Kate Middleton's Eye Roll: When To Use It

Even for royals some situations require a sneaky eye roll, and the Duchess of Cambridge has proven she's no stranger to a subtle flick of the eyes

Hurrah! Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge has finally let slip her perfect royal mask and given us a glimpse at the actually really quite normal woman beneath.

Pregnant Kate, 32, couldn't resist making an amused eye-roll after being ordered to 'keep wrapping!' by a strict supervisor, as she paused in her Christmas present wrapping at a meet-and-greet in New York, part of her royal tour with husband Prince William.

I mean, 'don't they know who she is?!'.

Alright bossy boots!
Alright bossy boots!

Judging by comments on social media, the hint of personality has caused most of the US to fall head over heels for 'Princess Kate'. But when else might you need to adopt the sneakily amused eye-roll?

When your mother-in-law 'reminds you' how her son likes his meals cooked.

I think you'll find he cooks for me.
I think you'll find he cooks for me.

When your boyfriend insists he doesn't need your fashion advice, T-shirts he gets free from work events look great, actually.

Well if you will go out looking like that...
Well if you will go out looking like that...

When your 'funny' uncle puts yet another cringe comment on your Facebook and you realise you're going to have to put him on the restricted list.

When your friend just will not stop going on about how adorable her baby is. Even as he fills his nappy. Because even that she finds adorbs.

When your friend insists that the guy she went on a date with a week ago is definitely going to call soon. Even though she got so drunk she was sick and he had to carry her home.

When the colleague who jumped on the table at the Chritmas party and tried to snog the boss waltzes in the next day saying: "Well at least I didn't do anything embarrassing."

When the guy next to you on the train starts trying to hold a conversation. With you. Even though you are strangers.

Or, you know, when you're volunteering to wrap some presents up for needy kids and someone shouts at you the moment you take a breather...

Kate - we love it.

Er, don't you know who she is?
Er, don't you know who she is?


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