17 Of Katie Hopkins' Best (Worst) Quotes

As Katie Hopkins celebrates her birthday, it seems like a good time to look back at her more outrageous soundbites

Happy Birthday Katie Hopkins. Any excuse to run through some of your more offensive, bizarre and ill-advised comments.

Take a deep breath.

1. On Swindon: "Surely the most sensible thing would be to move them to an ugly place no one cares about - like Swindon.

“They can crack on doing Swindon-type things such as, erm, watching traffic, and the taxpayer can then save a bob or two.”

2. On Emma Watson's sideboob: "Emma Watson needed to give this look a miss. Her sad side boobs are barely there.  To have a ‘sidey’ – you need a boob in the first place."

3. On X Factor: “XFactor finalist Sam Bailey - just a fat mum in a jump suit with a caravan of camel toes.”

4. On Gazza and addiction: "I don’t believe what Russell Brand says addiction. I just don’t buy it. It’s a behaviour. Gazza likes drinking, let him crack on. He is enjoying himself."

5. On M&S fashion: "The sleepwear section has the words ‘hospital stay’ written all over it - the sort of stay where the wearer comes out in a box. The embroidered fleece dressing gown is a monstrosity – something my gran would refuse to wear. And she is already dead."

6. On maternity leave: "The difference between most mothers and me is that I didn't sit around drinking coffee at baby group for 12 months after the birth of my baby. No, in three weeks I was back in my suit, back at my desk earning profit for my business and I don’t see why other women shouldn't do the same."

7. On redheads: "Ginger babies. Like a baby. Just so much harder to love."

8. On children's names: "A name, for me, is a short way of working out what class that child comes from. And I can decide from that do I want my child to play with them?

"Hi, this is my daughter Charmaine'. I hear: 'Hi, I am thick and ignorant'."

9. On life sentences: "Suicidal prisoners should just kill themselves".

10. On politics: "Egyptian uprising continues to look like Bonfire Night. Protest fireworks. Right up there with Angry cup cakes."

11. On paternity leave: "Most men would rather boil their heads in breast milk than take 26 weeks paternity leave. At present 75% of men take one week or less."

12. On Kelly Osbourne: "She said: “Kelly (Osbourne) had a little go at me the other day, I don’t know why. But as a little purple-headed dwarf, I think she ought to get her priorities sorted."

13. On Justin Bieber's fanbase: “I think Beliebers are sad lonely girls called Rebecca, that haven’t got many friends, that probably have issues with their weight, height and skin."

14. On Lily Allen: "She was removing herself from the spotlight because she wanted to be a mother and that largely involved gaining two stone and looking pretty hideous."

15. On Everyday Sexism: "When in doubt – twirl a tampax around your head and shout ‘misogynist’."

16. On Stay-At-Home-Mums: "Nothing makes my buttocks clench tighter and my teeth itch more than 'Full Time Mummy'. Full time mummy is not a job title. It is a biological status."

17. On babies: "Babies may be many things – but they are not good company. Most working mums acknowledge babies are boring, even if they have to keep this a secret from the scowling mob of school gate mums."

Happy Birthday Katie. Keep giving a laugh/massive outrage.