New Campaign Seeks To Make Term For Female Masturbation Official, Suggestions Welcome!

We're leaning towards stroking the beaver...but what would be your preference?

Warning: NSFW

W**ker, t**ser, choking the chicken, cleaning your rifle, the five knuckle shuffle.....

We can all think of a thousand words associated with male masturbation.

On the other hand though (yes, that was deliberate), there are comparatively few words that nicely, or naughtily describe female masturbation.

Female masturbation needs a new word! Can you help? [REX]
Female masturbation needs a new word! Can you help? [REX]

Stroking the beaver and gilding the lily are some of the ones currently in circulation.

Well, The Swedish Association for Sexuality Education (RFSU) is hoping to change all this, at least on Scandinavian soil.

The organisation works to promote an open, positive and equal rights view of sex.

Kristina Ljungros of RFSU said: "We are trying to put sexuality on the agenda - the positive aspects, not just the negative ones like sexual abuse. We want to focus on the good parts, the lust."

Female pleasure needs more entries in the dictionary! [REX]
Female pleasure needs more entries in the dictionary! [REX]

In light of this, their latest venture sees them attempting to correct the discrepancy in the approach to male versus female masturbation.

And this begins, of course, by recognising that female masturbation is just as normal and healthy a part of reaching sexual maturity (and adult sexuality) as that of our male friends.

Earlier this month RFSU launched a competition, asking entrants to suggest words that could be designated to represent female masturbation.

So far, suggestions have included "Klittra", "Pulla" and "Selfa."

This got us thinking though, why should Sweden be the only ones to decide on an appropriate and popular term for female masturbation.

We reckon that the UK should have one too.

With such creative folk out there in Great Britain, we're sure someone can come up with a perfectly appropriate, positive term for an action that should be encouraged and celebrated, right?

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So get to it! We'd love to hear your suggestions, write them all down in the comments!*

*BE NICE - being nasty about female masturbation is neither productive nor particularly funny.*