Your 2012 life horoscope forecast

Aries (Mar21/Apr20)

You’ll be taking a closer look at relationships for the majority of 2012. Between January and early October, you’ll be carefully evaluating your closest alliances. Any partnership that feels outmoded, burdensome, or toxic will fall by the wayside. Alternately, you will form stronger friendships with people who want the best for you. Joining forces with a business or romantic partner who is serious, experienced, and diplomatic will make life much easier in the first 10 months of the year. Once October gets under way, you’ll face down some fears that held you back in the past. Breaking through emotional barriers will feel tremendously liberating. Don’t hesitate to go into therapy, join a support group, or expressing your frustrations through artwork. Paring down debt will become another priority in the last two months of the year. Consolidate your loans, reduce your interest rates, and pay off those credit cards. If you stay focused, you could become completely debt free by next year. Not having to worry about money is the greatest gift you can give yourself.

Taurus (Apr21/May21)

Improving your work skills is critical in the first 10 months of the year. The job market in 2012 will remain tough, so you need to get some impressive skills under your belt. If you want to switch career paths, do between January and October, even if it means taking a menial job in your desired industry. Don’t worry; you’ll be able to work your way to the top. Jobs related to the law, human resources, diplomacy, music, and art are especially favoured. Your health will be delicate for the majority of the year, so take good care of your body. Get regular medical checkups, take regular exercise, and watch what you eat. By the time October gets under way; your focus will shift to your love life. Finding someone who is worthy of your time and attention will be your first priority. If you’re in an unhappy relationship, you’ll break things off for once and for all. If you’re single, you’ll raise your standards significantly, only dating people worthy of your attention.

Gemini (May22/Jun21)

The first 10 months of the year demand that you take your creative talent seriously. Getting trained to write, paint, sing, play music, or dance will pay off tremendously, but you won’t see results immediately. In fact, you’ll probably experience a great deal of frustration in the early days. Resist the urge to throw in the towel if your first efforts get embarrassing. You have to learn how to walk before you can run. Studying alongside a respected teacher will be daunting at times, because it will be hard to get a read on what your instructor actually thinks of you. By working hard and refusing to back down, you’ll win your teacher’s respect. In the first week of October, your attention will shift to your work life. Getting a better job will require lots of perseverance. Keep filling out applications, going on interviews, and taking temporary assignments. Eventually, you’ll get a steady job, possibly related to private investigation, psychology, antique restoration, or environmental science. Getting in shape should also be a priority in the autumn.

[Useful: 10 ways to make your day healthier]

Cancer (Jun22/Jul23)

Coming to terms with your childhood will take up much of your time in the first 10 months of 2012. Whether you had a happy time or a troubled one, it’s time to reflect on those years and assess how they’ve affected you. Use these memories to launch a fulfilling adult life, whether it’s integrating special traditions into your own family observances or learning from your parents’ mistakes. If you want to buy your own home, it may not be possible between January and October. The money may not be available or you may not be able to find a property that meets your demands. Instead of dwelling on your misfortune, use this period to set aside money for your dream home. You could very well find a fabulous place between October and December, probably in a place that is famous for its culture, architecture, and natural beauty. Once October gets under way, your domestic life will settle down into a comfortable routine, allowing you to devote more time and energy to creative pursuits.

Leo (Jul24/Aug23)

Exercising your intellect should be one of your biggest priorities this year, particularly between January and early October. There’s never been a better time to take a class aimed at furthering your career. Whether you decide to study the law, art history, diplomacy, or interior design is immaterial. The important thing is to find a subject that appeal to your long term career aspirations. At times, your studies will feel more like a burden than a blessing. But if you persevere, you’ll emerge with an impressive degree or certificate that will help you land the kind of work you enjoy. Once autumn gets underway, you may be entrusted with important family responsibilities. Taking care of a young youngster or elderly relative will take up a great deal of your time. Fortunately, people respect your authority, and will be glad you’ve taken charge of an unstable situation. If you want to move, you should probably do so before October, as it will be hard to find an affordable, attractive place in the last three months of the year.

Virgo (Aug24/Sep23)

Finances will be tight for most of 2012; you’ll work hard for your money. That doesn’t mean this year will be grim. If you adopt the right attitude, you’ll learn to live on less. By the time October arrives, you will have mastered the art of getting great value for your money. Take this opportunity to sign up for a class in a subject that has always fascinated you. Forensics, psychology, antique restoration, environmental rehabilitation – any of these subjects might appeal to you. Uncovering mysteries and restoring precious materials to their original worth will captivate your imagination throughout the last three months of the year. Whatever subject you do study will have a tremendous impact on your long term career plans. It’s even possible that you’ll change industries altogether, thanks to the encouragement of an impressive teacher. When you get tired of hitting the books, a sympathetic lover or best friend will be poised to cater to your every desire. Be sure to express your appreciation for their kindness, care, and attention.

Libra (Sep24/Oct23)

You’ll adopt a more serious outlook from January through early October, possibly because of increased responsibilities toward a loved one. Even when you do have free time, you may feel guilty about getting away. Try to force yourself to go out and have a good time with friends throughout this period; you’re simply not the type to make a martyr of yourself. By mid-October, you’ll feel a financial pinch, but at least you’ll have more time for art, music, and friends – all the things that make life worthwhile for you. Learning to do home repairs and renovations by yourself will give you a great deal of satisfaction throughout 2012. You don’t need to pay electricians, plumbers and carpenters to do most of the work that is needed. In fact, you have the power to transform a shabby place into a beautiful abode. As far as intimate relationships are concerned, you’re likely to break off one troubled alliance. Although the initial break will be difficult, you’ll be gratified to get your independence back.

Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22)

You may feel somewhat isolated for the majority of 2012. Perhaps you’ll be given a super secret project at work that requires you to operate in a secluded office. Maybe you’ll be getting help for an addiction or anxiety at a rehabilitation centre. It’s even possible that you’ll distance yourself from people who have had a toxic effect on your life. Whatever the situation, you need to know that solitude will be therapeutic and healing. By the time October rolls around, you’ll be ready to dive back into the social poll. Around this time, you’ll be handed an important job or political office this autumn. Being responsible for a large group of people will give your confidence a much needed boost. You’ll have the power to create a long lasting institution or programme that helps people in reduced circumstances. Alternately, you may be entrusted to restore a shabby area to its original worth. Whatever job you are given, know that it will serve as a personal legacy. Pour every ounce of your talent into this all important project.

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Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21)

Your social life will undergo a radical transformation throughout the first ten months of 2012. Between January and early October, you’ll see several friendships fall by the wayside. People who are too cowardly or selfish to give you their support will jump ship, leaving you with a couple of true blue friends upon whom to rely. Fortunately, the loved ones who remain will be influential, experienced, and wise. Take their advice on everything from relationship to business. You won’t be disappointed. By the time autumn arrives, you may feel isolated or alienated. Working alone on an important project or spending more time on your own will require a period of adjustment. You’re such a social butterfly that you’re unaccustomed to being by yourself, but if you look upon this situation as an opportunity to reconnect with your inner spirit, rather than an enforced period of exile, you’ll look back on this phase as one of the most empowering of your life. A research project will unearth shocking revelations between October and December.

Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20)

Tremendous career success will occur between January and October, but you’ll have to work hard for it. Your social and love lives may take a back seat to extended office hours. As far as you’re concerned, the sacrifices are worth it, but consider the feelings of your nearest and dearest. Make a concerted effort to stop work and observe special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, school recitals, championship games, and graduations or you’ll hurt the very people who have helped you climb the ladder of success. By the time October arrives, you’ll shift your attention back to your social life. Certain friendships will fall by the wayside, possibly from lack of nourishment. You may realise that your lifestyle has changed so radically that you no longer have anything in common with several people. Instead of clinging to these relationships, let go of them gracefully. When it comes to friendships, quality is more important than quantity. Joining a professional organisation between October and December can put you in contact with people who share your interests, values, and dreams.

Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19)

You won’t have much time to expand your horizons between January and October. Personal responsibilities will force you to stay close to home. That can be irritating to an independent person like you, but it can’t be helped. In a way, the situation will be a blessing in disguise. Instead of venturing beyond your own back yard for stimulation, you’ll turn your attention to your friends, family, and neighbours. Developing stronger bonds with the people who surround you each day will have a profound effect on you. Instead of taking your loved ones for granted, you’ll realise just how much you depend on them for emotional, spiritual, and practical help. Once autumn gets underway, your career will go into overdrive. You could be given an exciting promotion between October and December. If you’re thinking about switching industries, this would be a good time to do so. Work involving private investigation, antique restoration, environmental rehabilitation, or medical research may offer you the intellectual stimulation you crave. It’s time to find an outlet for your tremendous powers of concentration.

Pisces (Feb20/Mar20)

Disputes over an inheritance or taxes could arise between January and October. When problems occur, take a deep breath and focus. Employ a professional to help you through any red tape. Their fees will be worth their weight in gold. As far as amour is concerned, you may experience a dry patch for the first ten months of the year. If you’re in a committed relationship, you may want to attend couple’s counselling. Physical and emotional intimacies are interrelated. When one area suffers, the other will follow suit. If you’re single, you may decide to stop rushing relationships on the romantic front. This will work in your favour. Take the time to get to know somebody before jumping into bed together. You’ll be glad you savoured the courtship phase; it’s all too fleeting in the modern age. By the time autumn arrives, you may feel that you’re falling behind in the job market. Getting an advanced degree won’t be easy, but it will be a worthwhile pursuit. Start applying to schools in early October.

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