What A Nutritionist Eats In A Day

Want to be proper healthy? One nutritionist has explained exactly what she eats so we can copy and feel great

Eating little and often, with regular snacks and bonafide treats is how to eat - says registered dietician Jessica Jones, M.S., R.D.  And we like this lady's thinking.

So what does she eat on a daily basis?

Dietician Jessica Jones, MS, RD (Instagram)
Dietician Jessica Jones, MS, RD (Instagram)

Fortunately it's not all green juices and nuts. And most of it seems pretty achievable to us. In an article written for Buzzfeed, Jones revealed a typical day's food.

First up: Drink the water. Jones drinks at least a quarter (and ideally a half) litre when she gets up. She fancies it up with some home-grown mint and maybe a bit of cucumber. But plain old tap water will do. Get a big bottle and keep swigging.

Breakfast: Next up it's time for the obligatory green smoothie. Jones has hers for breakfast and keeps the veg to fruit ratio higher on the veg and with some additional superfood-style ingredients such as chia seeds and cinnamon. (Check out her site for the perfect recipe.)

A green smoothie (Instagram)
A green smoothie (Instagram)

Snacktime! Jones is so keen on snacks she sets an 11am alarm to make sure she doesn't miss hers. She usually has a yoghurt and fruit combo.

Lunch. At this point Jones starts talking about 'potstickers'. A straw poll in the office suggested that no one (in our UK-based office) knows what a potsticker is. So I'll enlighten you. They are little Chinese dumplings filled with yummy things - meat or veggie. Jones goes for vegetarian ones, and steams or microwaves them with any veg she has lying around.

Instead of soy sauce she uses squirtable amino acids. Which sounds weird, but hey, she's the expert.

And Jones works out at lunchtime too, just FYI.

These are potstickers (Rex)
These are potstickers (Rex)

Snacks Ahoy! Come mid afternoon, it's time to keep the hunger pangs at bay. Jones goes for a sliced apple dipped in almond butter, otherwise known as middle class crack. To me, anyway. This happens around 3pm.

Now, Jones eats her evening meal really early. She likes to have dinner by 6pm. That's pretty unrealistic for us, but if you can eat earlier some people swear it helps them keep trim.

She home-makes her food, suggesting something like this low-carb lasagne, which looks DELISH.

Low carb lasagne (Instagram)
Low carb lasagne (Instagram)

And there's even room for dessert. Whoop whoop. OK, so it's one of those slightly complicated uses-vegetables-instead-of-flour type things, but these Skinny Mini Pies look totally tasty and the recipe isn't too scary.

Skinny Mini Pies by Jess and Wendy (Instagram)
Skinny Mini Pies by Jess and Wendy (Instagram)

Overall her daily diet comes in at just over 1600 calories.

Jones runs Food Heaven Made Easy with her friend and fellow nutrition guru Wendy.

Doable? We think so.

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