
The Rookie Nappy Changing Mistakes To Watch Out For

The first time you change your baby’s nappy can be challenging to say the least. Juggling dirty nappies, wipes, creams and clean nappies – not to mention a baby – makes it the ultimate multi-tasking mission

We’ve all been there. Elbow deep in baby poo and realising you need the wipes that are in your changing bag… downstairs. Or treated to an unwelcome shower from your son’s nether regions.

So we’ve rounded up the blunders that you may come across to help you get the hang of the whole nappy change routine ASAP. You’ll be a pro in no time.

Soon you'll be changing your baby's nappy in your sleep [Rex]
Soon you'll be changing your baby's nappy in your sleep [Rex]

Not Fastening The Nappy
Your baby needs to be pretty snug in his nappy with the sticky tabs tightened to leave just a finger of room, or else you could be dealing with some serious leakage later.

Losing Your Focus
You’re probably scoffing at this one but it’s easy to get distracted when doing the nappy change. All it takes is the phone ringing or your toddler trying to clamber his way up your leg for you to turn away from your baby and he bangs his head.  

Leaving The Dirty Nappy Open Beside You
You definitely don’t want to put your elbow in that.

Changing Your Baby On The Bed
Changing table only, people. For one, you don’t want the remnants of a number two on your bed sheets and there’s a risk of suffocation for your baby if he rolls over.

Changing your little one's nappy on the desk isn't ideal either [Rex]
Changing your little one's nappy on the desk isn't ideal either [Rex]

Letting Go Of Your Baby
Keep a firm hold of your baby’s ankles every time you change your nappy so that he doesn’t roll off the changing table.

Not Pointing The Penis Down
If you’ve got a baby boy, you’ll want to remember to point his penis down. Otherwise you might get an unexpected shower.

Smeared Poo On Your Face
Be sure to clean your hands/wrists/any part of your body that may’ve come into contact with poo before touching your face. Smeared poo on your cheek isn’t a good look.

Not Having Everything To Hand
You’ll want everything you need to change your baby within reaching distance, to avoid having to take your nappy-less baby with you to fetch the wipes from downstairs.

We could all do with this dog to help with parenting duties [Giphy]
We could all do with this dog to help with parenting duties [Giphy]

Not Drying Your Baby’s Bottom
After you’ve cleaned your baby, it’s important to pat him dry (or let him air dry if you’re able to). Rubbing the skin dry can irritate it and leaving it wet can cause nappy rash.

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