Popular Hairstyles that Cause Hair Loss

Hair loss is something we all worry about. Well, it is normal to lose about 20-50 strands every day. However, if you see clumps falling out, strands of hair sticking on your clothes after combing, styling or shampooing and your hair line receding; it is surely a reason to raise an alarm.

There are many causes of hair loss in both men and women- the most common causes are heredity, physical or emotional stress and medical conditions. However, certain hairstyles also cause hair loss. Let us take a look at the hairstyles that are not good for our hair. 

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Ponytail or pigtail is a very common hairstyle, but very few realise that it is also one of the causes of hair loss. If you wear a tight pigtail on a regular basis, you are going to shock your scalp by restricting blood circulation to the hair follicles. The damage to the follicles due to constant pulling over a long period causes a condition called traction alopecia. The most common indicator of hair loss caused by this hairstyle is a receding hair line on the temples and forehead. Other symptoms include headache, itchy scalp and hair breakage around the scalp. To minimise the damage, you can wear your pony with base near the nape of your neck.


Cornrow, with its root in Africa, is an extremely fashionable and exceptionally popular look among people across all age groups. Some of the well-known faces to have sported cornrows include Sean Paul, Ludacris, Alicia Keys, and Will Smith's daughter Willow. However, this type of hairstyle where hair is braided quite close to the scalp can certainly create tension in the scalp and scar it. It will cause hair loss and hair breakage, especially if you choose to keep it for long. In addition, if you don't clean your hair properly there are chances that you may encourage fungal and bacterial infections which may promote formation of bald spots. 


Whoopi Goldberg, Bob Marley, Lenny Kravitz are adored not just for their talents but also the dreadlocks they sported. But, as chic as this hairstyle may look, it comes with a set of disadvantages. Dreadlocks damage the hair follicles and over a period of time the hair become twisted and matted and tangle to form dreads. This causes hair loss, dandruff and other scalp conditions. As a word of caution, no matter how strong the pull may be, you should think a million times before you choose to join the fashionable dreadlock brigade.


Although artificial hair integration technique may boost your self-confidence and cushion your dipping self-esteem temporarily, it certainly has a drawback. Hair weaving can cause traction alopecia and bald spots associated with glue extensions. Usually when artificial hair is integrated, it is done either by weaving, gluing or clipping (strand by strand) and this is known to damage your scalp and scar it beyond imagination. Also, hair extensions do not absorb water easily and tangle.