New Year, new you workouts

Need to redeem yourself from your Christmas binge sin? Then make time for these figure-fixing workouts in your January schedule. Whether you want to focus on a specific problem area or get your heart racing for an overall body tone up, you’re sure to leave any extra pounds in 2011.

Slimline your stomach


Start on all fours and draw in your stomach. Lift your arm up out in front of you and the opposite leg up behind, keeping your knee and elbow straight. Hold for 5 seconds. Repeat on the other side, until you’ve completed 12 reps.

Sit up

Begin lying down, legs bent, feet flat on the floor and hands behind your head. Tuck in your chin and tailbone and begin to lift your head and body off the floor until you’re almost upright. Slowly curl back down in a controlled manner and repeat 8 times.

Single leg circle

Lie on your back, arms by your side, with your right leg bent and your left leg extended flat and slightly raised off the floor. Lift your left leg up towards the ceiling, circle it in a downwards arc to your left and bring it back to the raised starting position. Keep your leg straight, core engaged and both hips flat on the floor at all times. Repeat 6 times on each leg.

Complete three rounds, with a 30-second rest between each round.

[Relevant: Follow our New Year eating plan]

Bum and thigh trim down


Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, step forward with your right leg. Bend both knees, with your right knee at 90 degrees and over your toes and your left knee almost touching the floor. Keep your weight on your front foot and maintain a straight back. Push off your right foot to bring your feet back together and return to the starting position. Repeat on the left. Complete 6 lunges on each side.


Lie on your back, arms by your side and legs bent with your heels close to your buttocks. Press your heels into the floor, lift your hips and body up so your weight is resting on your shoulders. Squeeze your bum cheeks, keep your chin tucked in and hold for 20 seconds. Repeat 6 times.
Alternating step up with leg lift
Using the bottom stair or garden step, step the right foot onto the stair and lift your left leg up in front of you to a 90 degree angle so you’re standing on your straight right leg. Lower your left leg, step down and bring the feet back together. Repeat 8-10 times on each leg.

Complete three rounds, with a 30-second rest between each round.

Move over muffin top

Lunge twist

Standing with your hands behind your head, step backward with your right leg. Bend both knees, with your left knee at 90 degrees and directly over your toes and your right knee almost touching the floor. Keep your weight on your front foot. Slowly rotate your upper body towards your supporting left leg, keeping your hips forwards. Turn to face forward again and bring your feet back together. Repeat on the other leg, completing 12 in total.

Squat thrust

Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and arms held at right angles at shoulder height, gradually sit into the squat until your knees are just over your ankles, like you’re sitting in a chair. Keep your weight on your heels and centre of the foot (not the ball of the foot). Push to stand back up and extend the arms up until both your legs and arms are straight. Repeat 8-12 times.

V sit side taps

Begin in a sitting position with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor and your hands resting on the floor by your side. Lift your feet slightly off the floor, along with your hands. Holding the V position, gently tap your hands alternately on the floor to your right and left. Continue for 20 seconds.

Complete three rounds, with a 30-second rest between each round.

Cardio blast total tone


From standing, crouch down and put your hands on the floor. Kick both feet out behind you until the legs are straight. Bring them back into a crouch and jump upwards with your arms above your head. Complete 10 reps.

Star jump

Stand with your arms by your sides, feet together. Jump both legs out to the side and simultaneously lift both arms into a V shape above you head. Jump your legs back together, lowering the arms also. Repeat 10-12 times.

Mountain climber

Starting on all fours, lift your knees off the floor, extend the legs straight and rise onto the balls of your feet. Engage your abs and core, and begin to cycle each leg up under your body alternately, pushing one knee up towards your chest as the other extends backwards. It’s a bit like cycling, only horizontally, oh and without a bike! Complete 20 reps in total.

Complete three rounds, with a 30-second rest between each round.

Wave goodbye to your post-Christmas bulge. Have you got any other tips for shaping up this New Year?

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