Could a Malory Band tied around your belly help you lose weight?

Forget diet and exercise, all you need for weight loss is a band tied around your waist - inspired by the ancient Egyptians

A simple band tied around your tummy is the latest weight loss fad that works by reminding you of your posture, and gently lets you know when you've had enough to eat.

The technique was first used in ancient Egypt and has been readopted by a British company to create an updated polyester version - the Malory Band.

The band is designed to be worn 24 hours a day as a constant reminder of the size of your (hopefully shrinking) waist. It can be tightened as you lose those inches and should prevent accidental cupcake binges that leave you kicking yourself afterwards.

A spokesperson for the company said the bands are "pretty and not something you would worry about anyone seeing under your clothing."

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But adds that it's not a magic weight loss potion, more of an emotional support and willpower aid to help make the hard work easier.

"Essentially, the band is a piece of cord - so if you’re happy with a bit of string, then go right ahead! It’s the psychology of constant awareness which string could give just as well."

"It motivates the wearer to eat more healthily, eat less, stand tall and hold their abs in and helps the wearer getting any bigger - it’s a constant gauge of size.

"Some of our case studies wear the band having lost a great deal of weight through diet and exercise and are fearful of putting it back on.

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"The Malory Band puts them in control and does off with the need for calorie counting, food grouping or omission and an unhealthy relationship with a pair of bathroom scales."

If willpower's your downfall, your ideal weight could be as simple as a piece of string - have you tried it? Tell us what you think on Twitter.