Hold Up A Minute: We Need To Talk About Vaginas

Because when is it NOT a good time to have a conversation about vaginas.

This post is all about vaginas.

If you don't like vaginas - bear in mind, you probably came out of one - then don't read on.

If you do, well then welcome to the club.

Vaginas are F.U.N., got it? [Ben/Gay Men Draw Vaginas/Tumblr]
Vaginas are F.U.N., got it? [Ben/Gay Men Draw Vaginas/Tumblr]

This Is Not An Exclusive Club

All vaginas are welcome in this club. We are not labia-exclusive.

The thing about vaginas - or, indeed, any other part of the female body - is that we are often made to feel that there is some sort of ideal.

Forget the Holy Grail, women are on the hunt for the perfect pussy.

And it doesn't end at volume of undergrowth - there has been a drastic rise in the number of labiaplasties taking place in the UK, suggesting that women are feeling less and less confident about the level of flap that their genetics has bestowed them with.

Well, down with insecurity, we say.

If you've ever been on the Vaginas Of The World Tumblr (and you really should), you'll know that every single vagina that exists ever in the whole of the world, EVER, is completely unique.


Big flaps, little flaps, deep, shallow, long, short, hooded clitorises, the ones that are hard to find - all vaginas might have been made equal, but they're certainly not identical.

And we're cool with that.

Owning The Brand

Vaginas get a bad rep.

They don't actually grow teeth to chew penises up and spit them back out, that was just a rumour.

Vaginas aren't scary. Really, they're not. [Mikael Tigerstrom/Flickr]
Vaginas aren't scary. Really, they're not. [Mikael Tigerstrom/Flickr]

But thanks to persistent mythology, there are LOTS of negative names for our hoo-has.

In the name of re-branding, we vote for a movement to use only the most positive, funny and inventive terms for our downstairs anatomy that we can possibly come up with.

Here are a few to get you started:

Honey Pot, Bearded Oyster, Our Happy Place (emphasis on the "our", because more than one person can go there), Cave of Wonders, Baby Cannon, Pink Fortress, Penis Purse, Tunnel of Love, Netherlands, Mount Pleasant, FUN Zone, Panty Hamster.

Surprising Honey Pot Health Tips

Contrary popular doctrine, which would have you using a bunch of specially designed manmade (emphasis on the "man") products to keep your lovely labia clean, vaginal health doesn't actually come out of a bottle.

- Go Commando - the best pair of underwear is no pair of underwear! But if you really must cover your muff, then do so with cotton as it's light and breathable and least likely to cause irritation.

- Do Your Kegels - want mindblowing orgasms? Don't we all?! Do your kegel exercises. And if you need a bit of extra help, check out this HILARE kickstarter campaign to help incentivise those pelvic squeezes.


- Greek Creek - when it comes to maintaining a healthy PH level and nurturing the good bacteria (the ones that keep yeast infections at bay), don't turn to silly female douching products, as these can actually make the situation worse! Greek yogurt is great, just be sure you don't buy the ultra sugary kind. The less additives the better.

- Put Down The Anti-Biotics - people are way, WAY too quick to opt for antibiotics in the case of illness. Often, these are prescribed unnecessarily and for illnesses they can't even treat. Anti-biotics, especially the broad-spectrum kind, can strip your nether regions of all the good bacteria, leaving you way more susceptible to thrush. OUCH!

Gay Men Draw Vaginas

As if we haven't given you enough reason yet to celebrate your lady lips, here's the GREATNESS that happens when you take a bunch of gay men, and ask them to draw a vagina.

Some of them are VERY creative.

[Anthony, NYC/Gay Men Draw Vaginas/Tumblr]
[Anthony, NYC/Gay Men Draw Vaginas/Tumblr]
[Justin Winslow, Brooklyn/Gay Men Draw Vaginas/Tumblr]
[Justin Winslow, Brooklyn/Gay Men Draw Vaginas/Tumblr]
[Chris, San Francisco/Gay Men Draw Vaginas/Tumblr]
[Chris, San Francisco/Gay Men Draw Vaginas/Tumblr]
[Steve Rhodes/Flickr/Gay Men Draw Vaginas]
[Steve Rhodes/Flickr/Gay Men Draw Vaginas]

So, how much do you LOVE your panty hamster now? A lot? Yeah, we thought so.

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