Fitting a new arrival into the family

When you bring a new addition into the family home, it should be one of the happiest times of your life. However, it can also turn into one of the most stressful times as well.

[See also: when to take your baby to the doctor]

Any time that a new sibling is thrown into the mix, dynamics in the family change and it can take time and patience to adjust to that change.
Husbands and fathers may feel totally left out of the picture and siblings may not like not getting all the attention. All this can cause a lot of stress and strain in the household.

In this episode of Bumps, Babies & Beyond, Myleene Klass is joined by mother of two, Sarah Hamilton and relationship therapist Sarah Rowley.

They discuss the best ways to introduce a new member into the family and how best to cope with the family dynamics changing in your household.

As your family grows the dynamics are going to continue to change, you just have to try and be patient with each other and to keep on talking.

See also:

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