Dear Future Mom: Down's Syndrome video reassures parents expecting a baby with the condition

Sweet video gives a voice to 15 adults who have grown up with Down's Syndrome, who tell parents their child can be happy

Today is Down's Syndrome Awareness Day and this heartwarming video has been created to send a ray of hope to parents who are expecting a baby with Down's Syndrome.

The message is simple: "Dear future mum, your child can be happy. Just like I am. And you'll be happy too."

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Fifteen young adults were involved in the film made by Saatchi & Saatchi for CoorDown - the Italian Coordinator of the National Association of People with Down Syndrome. They tell of their experiences of living with the condition, which affects around 750 babies a year.

The young people involved are from all over Europe, and give reassurance to future parents who are worried about the quality of life their child will have.

One says: "Dear future mom, don't be afraid, your child will be able to do many things.

"He'll be able to hug you. He'll be able to run towards you. He'll be able to speak and tell you he loves you."

Another that: "He'll be able to go to school, like everybody. He'll be able to learn to write. And he'll be able to write to you."

The video is in reponse to this email received by the association:

"I'm expecting a baby. I've discovered he has Down syndrome. I'm scared: what kind of life will my child have?"

But they admit that it won't be easy. Down's Syndrome is a genetic condition which causes a variety of physical disabilities and  sometimes learning difficulties. It varies from person to person but there are certain characteristics that are common to those with the condition.