Puppy Room: Is This The Way To Beat Exam Stress?

The trick to league table success could be adorable tiny doggies, thinks one UK university

Finals stress gets to all of us and The University of Central Lancashire has decided to do something to help its students cope.

In the form of adorable cuddly puppies.

All the puppies! (Giphy)
All the puppies! (Giphy)

The university's student union has arranged for a Puppy Room to be created for stressed out students, and has teamed up with charity Guide Dogs to fill the said room with the obligatory pups.

But it's not just a gimmick to make their students happy, there's plenty of evidence to suggest that cuddling with cute, snuggly animals can actually improve concentration and test scores. So, Firsts all round?

A Japanese study in 2012 found that just looking at images of cute things can help improve our mental capacity. The study of 132 people showed that those who viewed cute images saw their productivity rocket by 44 per cent.

And kittens and puppies were the subjects that had the most impact.

Just as long as you eventually remember to stop looking at the images and actually get on with the work...

The event (sadly it's a one-off) is also aimed at raising money for the charity, with students asked to pay £1.50 for the pleasure of cuddles with puppies.

And don't worry about the pups, they'll be having a nice time too. The organsiers explained on Facebook: "The puppies will have regular breaks throughout the three hours and be with their handlers at all times."

It's also good for the pups' development as they grow into grown up guide dogs.

"These opportunities give the puppies a chance to get used to being around people, which is great for their development and training to be a successful guide dog".

We're just hopping on a train to Lancashire, see you there.

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