The 10 Week Body Challenge - Week Seven: CELLULITE-Busting On The Legs, Bums and Tums

Exercise and eating well will slim you down, tone you up and make you feel great... but cellulite can still strike. We found out how to tackle the pesky blighter

Ah cellulite.

Apparently eight out of 10 women will develop it at some stage of their lives, and is usually appears the thighs and buttocks.

Orange peel skin? (REX)
Orange peel skin? (REX)

Sadly, even if you’re exercising like a demon and eating like an angel, cellulite can still rear its ugly head.

And as I’ve now chosen my wedding dress and it’s rather clingy (in a classy way, honest) around the oft-afflicted area, it’s time to beg some advice from my fave Personal Trainer Scott Laidler.

His top tip is: Protein, protein, protein.

“One mistake that many make, despite their exercising and healthy diet, is to allow their protein intake to go too low. This can lead to a reduction of collagen and elastin production, which is bad news in the fight against cellulite.

“Make sure you’re eating plenty of high quality sources of protein such as lean meats, nuts and seeds.”

Scott also recommends some specific exercises and stretches for the hips to loosen up the hip flexors, increasing your range of movement and functional strength to ensure you get the most out of your exercises.

“When it comes to your butt and thighs you need to remember that your glutes are large, strong muscles so need to be worked accordingly – strengthening the muscles and encouraging blood flow which helps to keep the skin oxygenated and cellulite at bay.

“Introduce resistance exercises like lunges, squats and step-ups into your lower body routine, track your workouts and make sure you are advancing in weight, as you get stronger.”

Can I have this bum please? (REX)
Can I have this bum please? (REX)

Scott sets me to work on these exercises, advising me to incorporate two or three into every gym session – and mix it up so you don’t get bored and you give your muscles the full range of movements.

1) Hip Bridge

Scott Laidler demonstrates the hip bridge
Scott Laidler demonstrates the hip bridge

●    Lay flat on your back, with your hands planted on the floor by your sides.
●    Using your heels to push up, lift your hips up towards the ceiling as high as you can, while breathing out.
●    Pause for 2-3 seconds, lower yourself back down and repeat.
●    Do 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

2) Step-Up With Dumbbells

Scott Laidler demonstrates the weighted step up
Scott Laidler demonstrates the weighted step up

●    Holding a dumbbell in each hand, step one leg up onto a bench.
●    Contract the glutes of the leg that’s on the bench.
●    Lower the leg and repeat on the other side. Remember to alternate legs.
●    Do 3 sets of 10 reps with 6-8kg.

3) Mountain Climbers 

Scott Laidler demonstrates mountain climbers
Scott Laidler demonstrates mountain climbers

●    Begin in a prone to the floor position, suspended on your hands and toes.
●    Raise one leg up into the chest.
●    Like a piston, bring it back down.
●    Immediately, raise the other leg up into the chest.  
●    Repeat continuously for 30 seconds.
●    Do 3 sets of 30 seconds.

4) Forward Weighted Lunge

Scott Laidler demonstrates the forward weighted lunge with dumbells
Scott Laidler demonstrates the forward weighted lunge with dumbells

●    Holding a dumbbell in each hand, lunge one leg forward by bending at the knee.
●    Your back leg should be in a 90 degree angle and almost touching the floor.
●    Pause for 2-3 seconds.
●    Return the leg to the starting position.
●    Repeat. Remember to alternate legs.  
●    Do 3 sets of 10 reps. 6-10kg.

5) Around The World

Scott Laidler demonstrates the around the world move with a kettle bell
Scott Laidler demonstrates the around the world move with a kettle bell

•    Begin with legs just wider than shoulder width.
•    Pick up a kettle bell and swing it around your body, making wider and wider circles as you pass it from hand to hand.
•    Keep your abs braced and hips straight throughout the movement.
•    Switch direction.
•    Do 3 sets of 10 reps.
Top Tip: You need to watch your form when doing this exercise. Try performing it in front of a mirror to ensure that your hips stay in line. You can expect a little sway back and forth if you are going heavy, but your overall structure must stay intact.

6) Ab Wheel Rollouts   

Scott Laidler demonstrates ab wheel rollouts
Scott Laidler demonstrates ab wheel rollouts

•    Start on your knees. Keeping your arms straight, bring your weight over your shoulders
•    Keep your back straight and brace your abdominals.
•    Roll forward on the ab wheel, without flexing your hips.
•    Go as far forward as you feel comfortable going, and return to the starting position.
•    Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

Get more tips from Scott at, where you can sign up for online personal trianing and get your own exercise and nutrition plan. And follow him on Twitter @Scott_Laidler.

This blog is part of the 10 Week Body Challenge. Get on it with Week One.

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