Divergent’s Shailene Woodley: ‘I Don’t Care About Fashion, I Only Own Three T-Shirts!’ - EXCLUSIVE

The American actress has VERY laid-back views on style compared to Jennifer Lawrence who’s the face of Miss Dior handbags


She’s the red carpet darling that shot her way to the top of best-dressed lists as the face of new teen flick Divergent.

But 22-year-old actress Shailene Woodley has very different views on fashion to Jennifer Lawrence (who’s the face of Dior) – she couldn’t care less what she wears.

Speaking to Yahoo Lifestyle at the launch of the film alongside co-star Theo James, the Cali-born star says she doesn’t feel pressure to look a certain way.

“None of us abide by any of that. We don’t read articles about ourselves or Google ourselves so we feel slightly removed from that. I don’t feel any pressure to be anything but me,” she tells us in the video above.

“The only thing is if you’re doing eight, nine premieres – that’s a lot of suits!” added her co-star Theo James, who plays Four in the first film adaptation of the Veronica Roth trilogy.

Shailene even went as far to admit she doesn’t care about fashion and goes on her stylist’s recommendation.

“We have the same stylist which is funny. I don’t give a… I don’t care about fashion. Luckily there’s this great woman that does care about fashion and she’s like ‘here, wear this!’” she tells us.

“[But] It’s definitely what you want to wear otherwise you’re just like another fish in the sea.”

British actor Theo, 29, says you’re more likely to find him in an M&S number than a velvet suit like Twilight’s Robert Pattinson.

“You have to feel like you. I like to be fairly classic so I’m not wearing velvet suits and stuff. I couldn’t pull it off. I guess the stuff in your wardrobe that you could buy from Marks and Spencers,” he tells us.

The Divergent pair tell us that they don’t own enough clothes for the photo opportunities involved in a promo trail as busy as Divergent’s.

“It’s like an elevated version of yourself. Both of us don’t really own many clothes in our personal lives. I own three t-shirts,” says Shailene, who starred in The Descendants with George Clooney.

“I genuinely don’t. I own three pairs of jeans. Sometimes you think ‘why would you bother? I’ll just wear my own shirt’ but if you’re doing a morning show then a talk show and then a premiere five times a week, practically you just don’t have enough clothes unless you’re going to wear the same terrible Topshop t-shirt,” adds Theo.

Shailene also speaks to us about her views on herbalism after it was revealed she has an all-natural beauty regime including eating clay and sunbathing naked to get her vitamin D.

“I started learning about it when I was 14. I learnt about how corrupt agriculture was in America and I wanted to gain sovereignty,” she says.

“It’s who I am, it’s my lifestyle. You have to turn the wheels slowly. It would be disrespectful to turn up at a premiere in clothes [from a thrift shop.]

[Divergent’s Theo James: ‘The Next R-Patz? More Like The Next Clooney!’ - EXCLUSIVE]

[The Divergent cast discuss dystopian appeal]

Divergent’ is in UK cinemas from Friday 4 April, 2014.