Angelina Jolie Says Movie-Star Mums Have Got It Easy

All hail Guru Jolie for telling it like it is. You go guuurrrl.

Basically, Angelina Jolie, in her infinite wisdom, has just come out and said what we've all been thinking for... well, forever.

In a series of delicious sound bites, she admitted that in her position (that of a filthy rich superstar), she had no right to "complain" about the pressures of raising her six children.

She admitted to the New York Daily News, "I have much more support than most people, most women in this world. And I have the financial means to have a home, and health care and food."


Motherhood can be tricky for anyone. The realities of sleep deprivation, post natal depression and the worry of childhood illness can affect anyone, regardless of their station in the world.

And sometimes, we do need to let celeb mothers step off their perfect pedestal for a while and cut them some slack for just being women.

However, we are, as you probably are too, a little bit fatigued by having to listen to various stars (who shall not be named) drone on at length about having to juggle their children with their careers.

They do so with little acknowledgement for the MASSIVE pay check and friends in high places that grant them access to the sort of health care, schooling and home help that others couldn't dream of.

They also, often, fail to recognise that their acting career is a choice - a choice that many women aren't at liberty to make.

So it feels really rather refreshing to hear Angelina Jolie telling it like it is - accepting that she is immensely lucky and observing that other women are in a much tougher position.

In the interview she said: "I am not a single mom with two jobs trying to get by every day."

"Consider all the people who really struggle," she continued, "And don't have the financial means, don't have the support, and many people are single raising children. That's hard."

Hear hear.