Amazing Dog Filmed Helping Asperger's Woman Cope With Episode

A woman with Asperger's, who suffers anxiety attacks and depression, has revealed a video of her pet dog Samson helping her through an attack

Warning: Some viewers may find this video distressing.

As all animal fans will know, a good pet dog or cat always knows when you're uphappy - even if they don't know quite know what to do in the situation.

But not Samson, a service dog owned by Asperger's sufferer Danielle Jacobs. He's been trained to keep an eye on his owner and help her when she experiences an emotional disturbance.

Samson's job is to alert and stop her when Danielle tries to self harm, and give her support to get through.

The brave woman, from Arizona in the US, posted a video of Samson doing just that during a recent attack, in an attempt to show people what it's really like to have Asperger's.

(Danielle Jacobs/YouTube)
(Danielle Jacobs/YouTube)

The video shows her going through a very difficult emotional attack, and self harming by hitting herself in the head. But Samson quickly uses his paws to gently pull her hands away and comforts her, staying with her during the entire experience.

Danielle posted the video to YouTube, showing just how vital dogs like Samson are to people with conditions such as Asperger's.

What a hero!

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