How seaweed skincare could cure acne

A face wash made from brown French seaweed could cure stubborn spots and skin misery

An ingredient found in slimy brown seaweed could be the answer to many a teenager’s prayers, as it’s been found to reduce acne by around 64 per cent.

Researchers trialled a seaweed-based face wash containing active ingredient Phycosaccharide ACP over eight weeks on a group of 60 young men with mild acne. They discovered a significant reduction in the amount of inflammation experienced on the skin and in the presence of comedones (white and black heads).

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In just two weeks, spots were reduced by around 29 per cent and the improvement continued with further use. In the study, reported in the Clinical and Experimental Dermatology journal, scientists suggest that seaweed can kill spot-causing bacteria from the first minute it’s put on the skin.

The miracle seaweed is found on the French coast around Brittany and is used in OXY’s anti-acne range.

Acne is caused by hair follicles on your skin getting clogged with sebum and is generally brought on by hormone changes as teenagers. However, around one in 20 women experiences late-onset acne, which can be difficult to deal with psychologically. Our beauty expert offers some spot-busting advice to sufferers.