Half of men STILL consider 'cooking and cleaning' vital 'characteristics' in a wife

Sexual compatibility and being waited on hand and foot - is this still a man's ideal receipe for a happy marriage?

Intellect, loyalty, mutual hobbies and a good sense of humour - all things considered pretty vital for a happy relationship, right? Well, not really, as long as you're handy with a scrubbing brush.

Yep, if a new survey's to be believed, the majority of men in the UK are still so backwards they rate cooking and cleaning ability and willingness to let them watch sports as two of the most vital characteristics they look for in a potential wife.

It's unclear under which rock VoucherCodesPro.co.uk found the men it polled.

When asked, 'what traits do you look for in a partner for them to be marriage material?', 64 per cent of the men polled rated sexual compatibility top of the list. Second and third came 'willingness to look after me (cook/clean) and 'enjoys watching sports or lets me watch it'. Fourth was attractiveness followed by getting on with their friends and family.

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To be fair, the women seem to have their heads in the clouds too, when asked the same question, with more than half saying whimsically, 'you just know' and putting 'being romantic' in their top five requirements.

But at least women didn't go for the comparable cliche of wanting their partner to be 'filthy rich and happy to look after them'.

Women were more concerned that friends and family liked their choice of partner, though 13 per cent rated 'career driven' as a draw.

According to the poll, women felt the best age for getting married was between 26 and 30, while men thought 31 to 35 was more like it.

George Charles, spokesperson for VoucherCodesPro.co.uk, said:

“It’s no surprise that the perceptions of what makes a partner marriage material between men and women is vastly different.

"Women look for a much deeper connection from their partner than men do. Realistically, men seem to want someone who is sexually compatible, but who will also wait on them hand and foot like their mothers would!"

We checked the date on the press release, and yes, it is still 2013.