Top 10 tips to beat cellulite

Drink well

Drink six to eight glasses of water per day to flush out any excess sodium that causes fluid retention. If you get bored of water, try herbal teas or adding a little pure fruit juice to it. Sticking to this regime can make your skin look plumper within seven days.

Quit smoking

Here’s yet another reason to kick the habit. Smoking can worsen cellulite as it cuts off your skin’s food supply and floods your body with toxins. This can have a detrimental effect on the elasticity of your skin, thereby worsening cellulite … and bringing on premature wrinkles and sagging. Ah!


Stress heads take note! Stress causes hormonal changes that can affect the skin. Cortisol is a stress hormone that can cause thinning of the skin and increased fat storage. It can also slow the production of growth hormones that create healthy skin. It is so important to get relaxation into your day; try yoga, cycling or walking, and make sure you get the magic eight hours sleep per night.

Exercise to beat cellulite

Although thin people are just as likely to get cellulite as overweight people, weight gain can worsen the appearance of cellulite. If you combine a cardiovascular exercise programme, with resistance training on your legs and bum, you could dramatically reduce the appearance of cellulite. This will take longer than seven days but the reduction in cellulite (not to mention the improvement in your overall toning and fitness) will be amazing.

Body brush

A body brush could be your best purchase this year! Skin brushing helps remove dead skin cells, stimulates circulation and boosts your lymphatic flow. This in turn helps out the poor drainage in fat cells that causes cellulite. For the best results brush twice a day using long strokes towards your heart.


There are lots of creams and gels on the market, with all sorts of ambitious claims. The truth is, for great results you cannot rely on creams alone, they need to be combined with exercise and healthy eating/drinking. Having said that, putting on any good moisturiser twice a day will help to plump up the skin on your rear. And using the specialist cellulite products will get even better results. They are designed to boost your circulation in the troubled area and increase collagen production. For best results, the creams have to be used continually.

Essential fatty acids

Essential fatty acids can help strengthen the connective tissues around fat cells, thereby helping to reduce cellulite. A diet richer in essential fatty acids may stop the fat cells slackening and therefore could reduce the dimpling effect. Good sources of essential fatty acids are olive oil, flaxseed oil, blackcurrent seed oil, walnut oil and fish oil (try to eat oily fish once a week).

Eat more protein

Water retention can be part of the cellulite problem. Protein can help as it contains albumin, which helps absorb excess fluid. For the best effect, try eating three portions of fish, pulses and beans, poultry or tofu per day.


Massage from trained practitioners has a host of benefits. It can help reduce stress, increase circulation and lymphatic drainage, and break down adhesions. Specialist manual skin kneading combined with lymphatic drainage can result in the smoothing of skin tissue and the elimination of excess fluid. See ‘endermologie’ below for a mechanical massage technique.


Although originally developed as a treatment for adherent scars by the French, it is now used as a treatment for cellulite reduction and skin toning. The technique uses two motorised rollers and regulated suction to break down some of your fat cells, thereby boosting circulation and stretching the collagen fibres. The broken down fat cells are then spread into a smoother layer. A visible improvement can be seen after one session although ten or more sessions are recommended for lasting results.

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