
Sex when you're pregnant: yes or no?

It has got you this far, but what about copulation after conception? Should you and your partner still be having sex?

[See also: Myleene's breastfeeding masterclass]

Myleene Klass discusses what it’s like to have sex whilst pregnant with Kerry Fox and Rachel Berg, two mums who had to find new ways of keeping their relations alive once they were pregnant - although sometimes the results were more comedy than romantic.

And our expert, Emma Hardwick, Consultant Midwife at the Royal Free in London says that for many women, the idea of sex in the first trimester is just too much to handle – when tiredness can mean even staying awake long enough to eat is a struggle!

But when the second trimester kicks in, some women find they start to appreciate their growing curves in a completely new way.

Couple that with the floods of hormones that invade the body and you and your partner could be dreaming up a whole range of daring new positions that work with a brand-new belly.

Emma quickly dispels any myths about harming either yourself, your partner or your baby.

See also:

Finding the best baby names

Can your relationship survive a baby?

Questions you should ask your midwife