May and June seasonal superfoods

Health-boosting foods that are in season and ripe for eating in late spring.

Spring is finally here and though some crops have been disrupted by unseasonably cold weather in the early part of the season, we are now into a seriously exciting time of year for seasonal produce.

Trees are ripe with fruit, some of the best veggies start appearing and plates begin to be a whole lot more colourful.



The much-revered asparagus season is upon us so eat your fill of the taste spears before they disappear.

As well as being fabled as an aphrodisiac, asparagus is packed with nutrients including dietary fibre, vitamins A, C, E and K and chromium, which helps manage your energy by controlling blood sugar levels.

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Highly nutritious members of the legume family, peas are low in calories but packed with nutrients and add a touch of natural sweetness to dishes.

They are high in vitamin C, folate and plant sterols that are thought to reduce cholesterol. They are also antioxidant and high in minerals including calcium and zinc, as well as vitamin K, which also helps promote bone mass.


This nutritious fruit needs to be imported so it’s not great on the eco footprint scale. But it is extremely good for your body.

Just one kiwi gives you 16 per cent for your RDA of dietary fibre. They contain phytonutrients, which play a role in preventing cancer and neutralising oxidants, as well as vitamins and minerals, including more vitamin C than an orange.

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Spinach is a powerhouse of a superfood, so it’s no wonder so many celebs wander around clutching green drinks packed with the stuff.

It offers a high proportion of dietary fibre, which prevents constipation and protects against cancers in the digestive system.

It has also been found to lower blood pressure and increase immunity to common illnesses. And because it contains high levels of vitamin A it helps clear skin conditions such as acne and psoriasis and even protects against wrinkles.


Easy to snack on apricots get their superfood title for being a great source of vitamins A, C and E, potassium and even iron.

Though like all fruit apricots contain sugars they’re actually fairly low calorie and provide a huge amount of vitamins and flavonoids that help detox the body. Dried, they’re the ideal snack to eat on the run.

On the other side of the kitchen, though some meat comes into season in spring, protein from the sea is a healthier options. Look out for salmon, sardines and sea trout, which are all spring fish.

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It can be a bit of an acquired taste, but beetroot is worth acquiring. Beet juice was recently found to reduce the chance of stroke and also helps lower blood pressure and the risk of heart attack.

The compound that gives beetroot its stunning colour, betacyanin, is a powerful antioxidant.

It also contains vitamins and minerals that help promote healthy bones, boost energy and promote balanced blood sugar.

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Containing antioxidant beta-carotene, carrots are a cheap superfood that boosts your skin, eye health and aids digestion.

They’re packed with vitamins A and C and can be eaten whole or juiced for a nutritious drink. 

Carrots and carrot juice detox the blood and liver and acne sufferers may notice a marked improvement from drinking a glass of carrot juice a day.


We know that of all fruits, berries are the best for us. And blueberries have one of the highest levels of antioxidants available in fresh fruit.

They contain anthocyanin, vitamin C, B complex, vitamin E, vitamin A, copper (which is antibacterial and boosts the immune system), selenium, zinc and iron.

The anthocyanin is what gives blueberries their blue colour. It’s a powerful antioxidant that helps slow aging by fighting free radicals in the body.

Like cranberries, blueberry juice helps rid the urinary tract of bacteria build ups that cause cystitis.  They also help slow mental decline, protect our eyesight and reduce our risk of heart disease. Though possibly not when mixed with sugar and placed on top of a cheesecake.


Abundant, cheap and containing 10 of your essential vitamins, peaches rank as a superfood that reminds us of sunny days and spring fun.

A large peach provides high levels of vitamins C and A, both antioxidants. They’re also a good source of vitamin K, which is key for healthy blood clotting.

They are also full of B-vitamin complex compounds thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B-6, niacin, folate and pantothenic acid.

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Another yummy reminder that long summer days are on their way. This typical English fruit is in season for much of the spring and summer so get your hands on it as often as possible.

For a start it’s a low calorie way of getting plenty of dietary fibre. Both anti-inflammatory and cancer-fighting, a small bowl of strawbs also contains 21 per cent of our RDA of manganese, helps fight against free radicals and reduces cell inflammation that can lead to cardiovascular diseases.

And they’re delicious!