Woman Grows A Potato Inside Her Vagina In An Attempt At Birth Control

After reports reached us of this poor Colombian woman's naivete, we had a look at other questions the world has about contraception

A young woman in Colombia grew a potato inside her vagina after attempting to use it as a form of contraception.

Yes, a potato.

Not the actual potato. [Rex]
Not the actual potato. [Rex]

Apparently the woefully misinformed 22-year-old was told by her mother that a potato placed inside the vagina was a successful method of birth control.

Yes, her mother.

Her mistake was spotted when she visited a clinic complaining of abdominal pains and a nurse found roots emerging from her vagina.

After two weeks, the potato had begun to germinate and grow roots.

Thankfully, the offending spud was removed and the woman has not suffered any lasting effects.

But the fact that this happened in the first place does call in to question the hilarious, dangerous and downright ridiculous contraception myths that are still being told to naïve young people.

Alas, it’s not only the unnamed Colombian woman who seems to be rather confused about the whole idea of birth control as these enlightening Yahoo Answers posts prove.

You can tell a lot about a topic area by its suggested searches...

[Yahoo Answers]
[Yahoo Answers]

The questions start out quite simple, albeit worryingly ignorant

[Yahoo Answers]
[Yahoo Answers]

[Yahoo Answers]
[Yahoo Answers]

This user has lots of REALLY IMPORTANT questions, although where that last one factors in we're not quite sure...

[Yahoo Answers]
[Yahoo Answers]

When we've got people thinking that birth control is "for having a healthy baby" and/or bigger breasts we, as a society, must collectively hang our heads in shame.

[Yahoo Answers]
[Yahoo Answers]

Now we move into the tricky territory of how to actually use contraception.

Whatever you're drinking, stop - that's not birth control.

[Yahoo Answers]
[Yahoo Answers]

A fair question, we have to admit

[Yahoo Answers]
[Yahoo Answers]

Mate, they're giving the things out for free at the GUM clinic. If you're walking around with skanky, heat addled condoms in your pocket you've got bigger problems - namely finding someone to have sex with in the first place.

[Yahoo Answers]
[Yahoo Answers]

On to the controversial topic of religion and contraception.

We quite like the idea of a holy diaphragm. Not actually holey though as that would kind of defeat the purpose...

[Yahoo Answers]
[Yahoo Answers]

Anyone else picturing a condom wearing a yarmulke? No? Just us?

[Yahoo Answers]
[Yahoo Answers]

It's good to know that despite all those idiots out there refusing to use any form of contraception, there is this guy who is apparently worried enough for all of us

[Yahoo Answers]
[Yahoo Answers]

Bless him, he had to ask...

[Yahoo Answers]
[Yahoo Answers]

Here comes the scaremongering...

[Yahoo Answers]
[Yahoo Answers]

And now for the section we like to call "Oh dear God, are you serious?"

[Yahoo Answers]
[Yahoo Answers]

What? Just...what?

[Yahoo Answers]
[Yahoo Answers]

Which "collage" asks questions like this?

[Yahoo Answers]
[Yahoo Answers]

And who knew the wit and wisdom of Little Britain's Vicky Pollard would echo through the ages?

[Yahoo Answers]
[Yahoo Answers]

Why are you sharing bathwater with someone who masturbates in the tub? Why are you sharing bathwater at all?

Proof, if ever it was needed, that sex education is kinda sorta a really big deal.

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