14 Things That Only People Who Hate Coriander / Cilantro Understand

It's the devil's herb. And it's in EVERYTHING.

Coriander - or cilantro to some - is the ultimate divider, you either love it, or you despise the very sight of it.

And if you happen to be one of the latter, you're constantly mocked for your OTT response - UNTIL TODAY.

The geniuses at 23andMe have discovered that the retch-inducing 'soapy' taste to the devil's herb is actually to do with your genes - not your 'picky' taste buds. And that, FYI, makes us winners.

1. When people say ‘but it’s so inoffensive’ like you’re dissing bread.

2. Even worse, when people say it’s their favourite and you’re like ‘WHAT’?

3. When every stir fry pack at every supermarket is loaded with the stuff and you have to pick it out before you cook it.

4. And even when you pick it out, you can taste it forever.

5. When you go to any Indian restaurant ever.

4. When you go to any Mexican restaurant ever.

5. When people use it as a garnish like it’s effing parsley.

6. When you're forced to eat it (because 'the coriander is already mixed in') and it gets stuck in your teeth all day so you just have constant rage




7. When you go to a friend’s house and they put it in their cooking and you start plotting your revenge.

8. When cruel people put it in their guacamole. What world is this?

9. Salsa. RUINED.

12. Every Pret meal ever.

13. When Chipotle put it in their RICE.

14. When even Buzzfeed are ranking it as no.3 on their definitive ranking of herbs.
