New Year, New You: 2015 Top Tips‏ - Naomi

By Amy and Naomi, Two Shoes One Pair

Although the doom and gloom of January is in the air, it's time to look ahead and kick of the new year with a bang! These top tips will help you get organised, de-clutter, and live a more adventurous 2015. 

1. Spring Clean Your Wardrobe

There’s no better way to kick start 2015 than with a spring clean to get rid of the old, and make space for your new favourite items. A cluttered overcrowded wardrobe is a daily problem I'm sure most women face, so start being savvy with your space and use an on-demand storage company such as Boxman to store away your old clothes or shoes . It's only £5 a month per box to store, and £5 per box to return and they offer delivery and pick-up of boxes direct to your door, needing less than 3 hours’ notice within the M25. Who knew it could be that easy?

2. Try something new!

New year calls for new experiences, so make 2015 the year that you get out your comfort zone and start doing! Whether you take up an art class or go riding through the forest on a Segway, keep up to date with city guides online such as Timeout to make sure you don't miss a trick!

3. Be inspired

We all need inspiring now and again, from home decor to personal style and beauty Pinterest has it all on one .com! Start the new year by creating new boards for yourself; my style, home inspiration, food to cook and anything that you are interested in. Trust us on this one, by 2016 you will be a Pinterest addict!

4. Get fit!

Everyone else around you in January will either be on a diet, getting fit or both so it's time to jump on the January bandwagon and kick start 2015. Don't forget exercise doesn't have to involve going to the gym or money, take up a dance class at Pineapple Studios or go for a cycle around Hyde Park!

5. Get organised!

There is nothing better than starting a brand new diary at the start of the year. Fill in birthdays and essential dates and work out your holidays and you will be singing! Keep a big diary for work and a little one for in your handbook to ensure you never double book.

6. Set Yourself Personal Goals

Be realistic. Set yourself achievable goals for the year personally and professionally by looking at them and assessing them on a monthly basis. 17th January is officially named ditch New Years resolutions day when most people are likely to give up, but if you can hold out pass this crunch point assessing your monthly goals will keep you motivated and bring the goal more in reach.

7. Give Something Back

Whether that's raising money for charities or buying a present for a loved one - do something in 2015 that brings a smile to other peoples faces (and yours too!) Even if it's as simple as donating to your chosen charity on Just Giving!

8. Set Yourself A Budget And Yearly Savings Plan

.... And stick to it! If your doing dry January use it as a way to save the pennies rather than spending them on alcoholic bevvies. Go through your spending each month and start putting a realistic and comfortable amount aside to use for something exciting later in the year.

9. Be More Digital

Whether it's for inspiration or for professional use, use social media tools such as Instagram, Twitter and facebook to your advantage. Use it to find contacts, research new places and food and for everything you need! My favourite hashtags to search are:

10. Travel More

After Christmas it's nice to start planning holidays and getaways to give you something to look forward to. City breaks are a great way of escaping and seeing the world whether that's in the UK or abroad. By booking in January you'll get a great deal so you can travel away without breaking the bank.