April Fool’s Day Your Friends With Orange Juice in Seven Steps

Fool your friends on April 1st with this hilarious prank – though we can’t guarantee they’ll still want to be your friend after it

April Fool’s Day is right around the corner and the thought of getting to prank our friends with little to no repercussions for one day of the year is pretty tempting.

We found this hilarious prank online that is sure to get some laughs on April 1st – although not from the friend you’re pranking when they find out what you’ve done.

Here’s how to fool your friends into thinking they’re drinking ‘orange juice’ on April Fool’s Day... *crying laughing face emoji*

1 Get hold of some packaged macaroni and cheese (the stuff you used to eat at uni when you were skint)

2 Take the powder ingredient from the packet and grab a measuring jug that you’d normally use to keep OJ cool in the fridge

3 Empty the powder into said measuring jug

4 Fill measuring jug with tap water

5 Give the powder and water a good stir until it’s all dissolved

6 Admire your orange-juice-looking-liquid-creation that is actually powdered cheese #mwahahaha

7 Place ‘orange juice’ into the fringe alongside regular fridge products and await gullable friend to open fridge and drink what they think is orange juice.

LOLz ensue.

Tell us your best April Fool’s Day pranks on Twitter now.

[The Very Best (Mostly Fashion Related) April Fools 2013]

[April Fools Day Pranks on Your Boyfriend]