21 Fun Facts About Babies (That You Didn’t Already Know)

Whether you’re a massive pub quiz fan, expecting your first baby or getting to grips with life as a parent, we guarantee you’ll lap up these amazing newborn baby facts. Who knew they were such fascinating creatures?

It might not seem like babies do a whole lot, but they're actually incredibly fascinating - and full of surprises.

From smelling addictive to knowing more than you think, top up your general knowledge levels with these amazing facts...

Who knew these little guys were fascinating? [Rex]
Who knew these little guys were fascinating? [Rex]

1. They’re Surprisingly Strong
You wouldn’t think it, but a newborn’s grasp is so strong that he can support his entire weight with it. Probably not one to try at home, though.

2. Birthmarks Are Really Common
Around 80 per cent of newborns have a birthmark – usually what’s known as a port-wine stain (a redish/purply mark on the face) or a stork bite.

3. They Get Through LOTS Of Nappies
Around 2,700 to be exact.

If only we all had a trained pooch to help with the numerous nappy changes [Giphy]
If only we all had a trained pooch to help with the numerous nappy changes [Giphy]

4. They Don’t Have Kneecaps
Instead of actually having kneecaps, babies are born with cartilage that looks a lot like them. They fully develop actual kneecaps at around six months old.

5. Their Eye Colour Isn’t Determined
Although most babies are born with big blue eyes, a pigment in the iris matures over the first two years of their life, usually leaving them a different colour.

6. They Remember Songs Heard In The Womb
According to University of Helsinki research, babies can recognise music for up to four months after birth.

7. Their Smell Is Addictive
There’s a reason we all love that lovely (clean) baby scent. A University of Montreal study found that a baby’s smell brought out the same pleasure and craving that food does when we’re hungry.

Babies smell so darn good [Rex]
Babies smell so darn good [Rex]

8. There Are Lots Of Them
Somewhere in the world, a baby is born approximately every three seconds.

9. They Have More Bones Than Adults
A baby is born with around 300 bones but these fuse together over time to leave only 206 by the time he reaches adulthood.

10. They Wee Regularly
Newborns urinate approximately every 20 minutes. Thank goodness for nappies – imagine taking them to the loo that often.

11. They Need A Lot Of Sleep
We’re talking around 16 hours a day. Sadly, it doesn’t tend to be straight through the night. 

Babies fall asleep everywhere and anywhere [Giphy]
Babies fall asleep everywhere and anywhere [Giphy]

12. Their Hair May Fall Out
Babies may be born with a mop of dark hair, but it tends to fall out over the first few weeks – before growing back into an entirely different style.

13. May Babies Are The Heaviest
Babies born in May tend to be around 200 grams heavier than those born in any month of the year.

14. They Recognise Their Mum’s Voice Instantly
And their smell, too.

15. They Can’t Cry
Babies can definitely do a good impression of crying, but no tears are actually created until a baby’s around three weeks old because their tear ducts are still closed.

He may wail and scream, but no tears will fall for the first few weeks [Rex]
He may wail and scream, but no tears will fall for the first few weeks [Rex]

16. They Can Hear Really Well
Yes, the hinges creaking as you close the bedroom door probably will wake him.

17. They Love Background Noise
White noise can be a parent’s best friend as it soothes newborns – helping them to sleep. Babies hear constant noise when they’re in the womb, so they can struggle to adapt to life without it.

18. They Don’t Smile (Properly) For The First Month
Hate to break it to you, but that gummy grin seen in the first few weeks is because he’s gassy.

19. They Know How To Swim
Newborns can instinctively swim for the first four months or so of their lives. But this reflex is lost and has to be re-taught.

OK, so they probably can't all do this... [Giphy]
OK, so they probably can't all do this... [Giphy]

20. Their Hearts Beat Really Fast
We’re talking 180 pulses per minute, when they’re born. This falls to around 140 beats within a few hours – compared to the 70-80 pulses a minute an adult’s heart does.

21. They Have Really Big Heads
A baby’s head is around a quarter of his entire length, whereas an adult’s is only one-eighth.

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